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Coloring and Flatting

Nahia is available for both Colorist and Flatwork. All Flats are done in Photoshop with no antialiasing, no overlap, and color blocks that meet under Inks (despite what Wix's image quality would have you believe.)

Ginger Meggs (2023)

GM FLATS 1.jpg

Comics Strips from Ginger Meggs done for Jason Chatfield

Pencils, inks, and lettering by: Jason Chatfield

Atlantis Animation Background Test (2022)


Background Layout by Mike Cavallaro for Batman the Brave and the Bold (property of Warner Brothers)

Day and Night Exercise (2022)

Night Iron Man_edited.jpg
Day Iron Man.jpg
Day Iron Man flat fills.jpg

Practice Pages from Iron Man: The End

Pencils by Bernard Chang, Inks by Bob Layton

Hercules Pages (2022)

NOTES_mouhicanahia_Nahia Mouhica HW 5_edited.jpg
Nahia Mouhica HW 5.jpg
Nahia Mouhica HW 5 flats.jpg

Practice Pages from Hercules: Twilight of a God Vol. 11

Pencils by Ron Lim, Inks by Bob Layton

Love and Rockets Flats (2022)


Practice Pages from Love and Rockets

Pencils and Inks by Jamie Hernandez

Misc Rendering Practice (2022)

Mouhica Assignment 3.jpg
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